Here's a completed list of all of the fics I've written! Use Ctrl + F to find anything you're looking for, or just go to my AO3 to find all of my works! Just as it is for my artworks, there are some dark fics here. If you don't like them and/or you aren't of age, then please don't read them. Thank you!

Just an Experiment

Pairing: Gaster x Sans (Sanster)

Date Submitted: November 12th, 2021



Content: Undertale, Dubcon/Noncon, Incest, Father/Son, Vaginal Sex, Intersex, One Shot

Word Count: 2,795

Summary: Gaster experiments on Sans' magical abilities and takes things a little too far.

Defanged Cobra

Pairing: Spike Spiegel x Vicious, Implied Jet Black x Spike Siegel

Date Submitted: August 7th, 2021



Word Count: 1,632

Content: Rape/Noncon, Violence/Abuse, Blood, Trans!Spike, Cowboy Bebop, One Shot

Summary: Spike is at the mercy of Vicious without his weapon.

A Facet of Diamond Life

Pairing: Yellow Diamond x Blue Diamond (Bellow Diamond)

Date Submitted: Oct 18th, 2020



Word Count: 4,157

Content: Lesbian Sex, Intersex, Alien Sex, Tentacle Dicks, Secret Relationship, Steven Universe, One Shot

Summary: Just a little quick hornty one shot of Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond just being in love :o)


Pairing: Ruby x Sapphire, Possible Jasper x Pearl (Rupphire, Jaspearl)

Date Submitted: Jun 20th, 2020


Work In Progress. I'm not planning to abandon the work!

Word Count: 4,324

Content: Steven Universe, Future NSFW, Multiple Chapters

Summary:Ruby and Sapphire (Garnet too!) must navigate Earth after the events of the accidental fusion in front of Blue Diamond's court, all while avoiding gems sent to capture them and learning about their abilities and feelings for one another.

Meanwhile, Jasper and Pearl play cat and mouse with one another. Jasper seems obsessed with catching the rebel Pearl and won't relent. Can Pearl escape from Jasper and get to the runaway gems before they're captured and hauled off to homeworld?

- Inspired by the song "Sanctuary" by Joji

A Cut Above the Rest (Possibly Retired)

Pairing: Jasper x Pearl (Jaspearl)

Date Submitted: Nov 23rd, 2019


This fic isn't being updated at the moment, and I have no current plans to do so. There is a possibility of it being deleted.

Word Count: 11,867

Content: Steven Universe, Multiple Chapters

Summary: Jasper comes across the renegade Pearl belonging to Rose Quartz and attempts to poof her and bring her in for questioning. As they become stuck together, Jasper starts to care for and perhaps fall for the enemy, helping her to infiltrate a Homeworld base on Earth.